Senin, 25 Oktober 2010

T-Mobile ramps up “4G speed” HSPA+ network in San Francisco, San Jose, and 14 other regions

Each time we write about T-Mobile flippin’ the switches to turn on their “4G speed” (they can’t say its “4G” for technical reasons, but it’s pretty dang fast — thus, they always say “4G Speed”) HSPA+ network, someone in the comments goes on a rant about how it’s taking waaaay to long to show up in the Silicon Valley.
4g hspdaAs someone who was born and raised here, I’m right there whining with’em.

Fortunately, the time for whining has come to an end: T-Mobile is announcing tonight that their 4G network now includes San Jose, San Francisco, Oakland, Sacramento and 12 other big ol’ regions around the US. Is yours one? Hop behind the jump to find out.

Via CrunchGear

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